
As I look down at my keyboard, I’m amazed. It’s compiled of the 26 letters of the alphabet, plus numbers and punctuation. Yet, with these keys, I can make words. Words that make people feel things. Letters that turn into words which turn into feelings. It is such incredible power and responsibility to be a writer. Yet the same thing goes for speaking our words. When we use our mouth to speak a word, we can never un-say that word. We can never undo the effect that word had. Yet so often, we spend our time using our words to tear those around us whom we love down. We use them lightly, tossing them around like a plaything. We even tear people down in play, yet how many times do those words we say teasingly have a lasting effect on those we use them on? I know that words spoken in jest to me have become a lasting insecurity about my person. The way we choose to let words have an impact on us is important, because how many times do we say something harmful without thinking about it or even truly mean it? If we keep in mind that, it becomes easier to forgive someone the hurtful things they said. It should also in turn change the way we use our words to others. To endeavor to use words to build people up, and encourage them. We can use our words to petition the creator of the universe!

One of my goals this year is to use my words with more purpose. To build people up intentionally, and to not tear people down, also intentionally. To get to know my friends better. To get to know my God better, and to know His Word. To learn to use His Words with mine.

How will you use your words this year?

8 thoughts on “{Words}

  1. That is so true! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this! Yes, I know I need to be more careful with how I say things! I am proud of you! 🙂

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