Tag: baby


Hard to believe 2015 is already gone and now nearly a whole month in the new year is gone as well.

2015 was a full, busy year. Two of my siblings got married, which my brother’s anniversary is next month! Hard to believe it’s been a year. Also, Carissa is expecting a baby March 7th! I’m so excited to be an aunt! The day I’m hoping the baby will be born on is February 29th, because if she’s due that close, what other day am I going to go for? (Actually, it’s Peter’s birthday on the 28th and mama’s birthday March 2nd. So the baby has several good days to be born on.)

An update on the webseries: we filmed our first video Sunday! (1-24-16) It was a debate/discussion; Mac vs PC. Wesley represented Mac, and Mr Teagarden represented PC. Gabriel moderated, and Brandon filmed. The rest of us watched. It went really well, considering it wasn’t planned out very well!! Hopefully next time we film we’ll have more time to film with. It’s surreal to have finally started! This has been an ongoing, ever-changing project for a couple years now.

This year is looking to be a big one, and I’m looking forward to where God takes me.
